
Welcome to Gym Fit API, your ultimate fitness companion, offering access to a comprehensive database of weightlifting exercises and detailed muscle information, as well as calculators for key metabolic metrics such as TDEE, BMR and IBW, enabling users to optimize their workouts and nutrition with precision.


1. Connect to RapidAPI

GymFit API is currently only available on RapidAPI. To access it, you'll need to log on to RapidAPI, or create a free account if you don't have one. Then, all you need to do is find your API-Key provided by RapidAPI (or create one by subscribing to a plan) and add it to the HTTP headers as explained below.

2. Set HTTP headers

To access our API, you need to provide the following HTTP headers :

  • X-RapidAPI-Key
  • X-RapidAPI-Host

You can find your API keys in in your Apps/Authorization or you can register a new API key here.

X-RapidAPI-Host must be ""

Here is an exemple :

fetch("{endpoint}", {
    "headers": {
        "X-RapidAPI-Key": "Your_API_key", // Replace "Your_API_key" with your API key
        "X-RapidAPI-Host": ""

Try in documentation

To try out the endpoints in the documentation, simply add the X-RapidAPI-Key header to requests with your own RapidAPI API key.

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